From shifting weather patterns to rising sea levels, the impact of climate change is global in scope and unprecedented in scale. Without any action today, adapting to the effects of climate change in the future will be difficult.

With this premise, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation works to facilitate India’s transition to a cleaner future by aiding the design and implementation of policies that promote clean energy technologies, electric mobility, sustainable transport, industries, cooling, net-zero buildings, agriculture, coasts, climate finance, clean power, energy efficiency, & climate policy. Working collaboratively with policymakers, civil society, industry, think tanks, & academia, Shakti seeks to catalyze transformative & more effective climate solutions.

Today’s choices will determine tomorrow’s consequences

The choices that India makes in the coming years will be of profound importance. Meaningful policy action on India’s energy challenges will strengthen national energy security, create jobs and keep our environment clean.

Shakti realises the importance of developing a body of evidence that can be adopted by decision-makers at the Central and State government level for more effective climate work.

The Role of CSOs

CSOs play a crucial role in advocating and raising awareness around the climate agenda and identifying context-specific problems.

CSOs, with their in-depth understanding and knowledge of the local context, form an essential part of achieving the national agenda on climate.

ACCLIMATE Objectives




Ensure grant funding to execute/ pilot solutions enabling policies & markets

Seek context-specific solutions by tapping into local expertise

Build the technical capacity of CSOs in the climate change space through handholding & mentoring.

About Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation

Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation (Shakti) is an enabler for clean energy and sustainability solutions. We work with policy makers, civil society, industry, think tanks, and academia to identify and scale energy system interventions that will reduce GHG emissions and tackle climate change. For more information, visit www.shaktifoundation.in

About Intellecap

Intellecap, part of Aavishkaar Group, is a pioneer in providing innovative business solutions that help build and scale profitable and sustainable enterprises dedicated to social and environmental change. Its unique positioning at the intersection of social and commercial business sectors allows it to attract and nurture intellectual capital that combines the business training of the commercial world with the passion and commitment of the social world to shape distinctive solutions. To know more, visit www.intellecap.com